Sunday, January 18, 2015

Soundcloud Profile

Hi all, I've just created new Soundcloud profile. Although I don't have a nice voice, but I just love to sing.
because music is my life :D

Check this out ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Love Me Cover

I'm not a pianist, I play with my style. So hope you can understand
Just love this song by Yiruma

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Free Hosting

I've just tried a very good free hosting in, just choose free hosting on the top menu

It's very simple and easy to use..

This is my website :

Monday, November 28, 2011

Android Dev - How to install & uninstall apk using emulator in PC

I'm newbie in Android, but I'll share what I get..

Installing Applications With Emulator Android SDK

  1. I assume that you've installed sdk to your PC, and you've downloaded / created the apk. My recommendation is using Android 2.2  (API 8) because I've tried others and having some problems.
  2. After created your AVD, start the emulator until you see the Android home screen (usually there's a google bar)..
  3. Run your cmd, and change you directory to android-sdk/platform-tools
    ex : type "cd.." until c:\> and cd to your android-sdk folder (ex: cd DEV/android-sdk/platform-tools)
  4. Move your apk to folder platform-tools
  5. Type adb install yourAPK.apk and Enter
  6. If success, there will be yourAPK on your Emulator's menu, just open it.
  7. If you see an error that asked you to install AIR, then you have to search Runtime.apk (I got it in my flex-sdk), repeat step number 4 and install Runtime.apk
  8. If success, now you can try yourAPK application..
  9. Done

Uninstalling Applications With Emulator Android SDK

  1. This is the easy one, just Click on menu and then select settings icon >> Click on applications tab>>Go to Manage applications
  2. Select the appropriate application to uninstall, (here it is) yourAPK >> Uninstall Button will appear, click on it and follow the instructions to remove or uninstall the youAPK application. Press the menu button on the emulator and you will notice that the Sudoku application disappears from the main grid view.
  3. Done